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Program Graph and Water History graph off by a day on Web UI.



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    Kenny T

    I noticed after midnight CST the graph reset and the program graph is corrected, the water history is still incorrect.


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    RainMachine Nicholas

    Thanks for reporting this, the next update will include a fix for this problem.

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    Kenny T

    Your Welcome!

    Also noticed too that the precipitation under the max temp is off as well on the weather display for the UI and Android device.  It rained 1.18 inches according to the weather station, the program adjusted correctly.

    Is the perciptation in a different unit than inches? or is this a bug?

    I would think it should say 1.2 inches instead of just 0.1.  Every time it rains it says 0.1 and have never seen it say greater than that.

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    Kenny T

    4/11 is when it rained 1.18 inches sorry forgot to add the date.

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    RainMachine Nicholas (Edited )

    The Home Daily screen only lists QPF (forecast rain), was 1.18 observed rain from WUnderground or other weather service ?

    Monthly will show forecasted vs observed with different colored bars.

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    Kenny T

    That makes sense then.  yes it was observed and the QFP was around .1 for that day.

    Think it would be better suited if it showed observed if it was different than the QPF.  Since observed is normally updated 24 hours after would need forecast correction to be turned on then it could back fill the data.  Don't think it would be too tricky of an if statement to add when the weather if updated.

    Just a suggestion for further releases.

    Thanks for the quick response!

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    Kenny T

    btw the graphs are still wrong as stated in the first post.  Think there is a bug, thanks for fixing it!

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    Kenny T

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    Kenny T

    Now the graphs are on the correct days, but the "next run on x" is behind by a day along with the watering history.  I watered on 4/16.  The times and amount watered are correct, just a cosmetic thing on the Web UI.  Wanted to give you an update.  Thanks!

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