Still watering in Offline mode?
I am using the Touch 12 for our vacation home. Sometimes the power goes out in the area, and/or the Rain Machine is loosing its connection to the Wifi network, and when the power comes back on, it does not always reconnect with the wireless router automatically. I got a notification that the RM went offline yesterday evening and it has not come online again since. In the mobile app the RM shows shaded and offline. I verified that there is power to the house through my Nest. I assume because its offline, it also does not receive updated weather forecast anymore (I usually get a notification when it did receive a new weather report). I am not planning to go down to the house until the weekend, so they question is, will it still water my lawn or is my lawn going to dry out, since there is no rain in the forecast?
Also, is there any way to reboot or bring the RM back online remotely when it is in offline mode?
Thanks, Jimmy, that is good news. When it is still offline, but watering, is the RM using the last weather report data that it downloaded before going offline, to determine watering durations for each zone? On the mobile app it looks like it looks about a week ahead with the weather report data, right?
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