How do I winterize the RainMachine? Unplug it?
Please read this article, hope this helps: Regards,
-Andrei -
I think your question was more related to just stopping the controller from triggering watering cycles during the Winter, assuming that you don't want to water in the Winter. I don't water in the Winter either. I've found the quick solution is doing a "snooze" for 300 days. Then, I just cancel the snooze when I'm ready to start watering again. If that truly was your question, hope this helps.
For the forum monitor, please put in a suggestion to have a "permanent hold" option for the snooze function so that you don't have to fool the controller into a long-term pause.
I just went into the Settings->Restrictions tab then checked off the winter months I don't want the sprinkler to run. This is a nice simple way to automatically allow the controller to go into a long term pause and leave with out any intervention on my part. The only thing I need to do is make sure I turn the water back on at the back flow preventer before the end of the last month of restriction.
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