Weather Data Inaccurate
Over the course of my first winter with this device, at times it suspends watering due to temperature too low and it’s not even close. Last night, it says the temperature was 35 degrees at 12am and it didn’t drop below 43. I’ve checked all my settings. Where is getting that info to be so off base?
Hi Keith,
By default we use NOAA, which has a pretty good coverage but it's not hyperlocal. One possible solution would be to activate another weather service (like WUnderground or and see if it gives closer readings for your location. We have many clients with "microclimates" that choose to use an extra weather service.
Maybe you can share your location so we can check NOAA reports with other weather services ?
Either go with the browser to the device IP address or use page (if you activated Remote Access service)
I have similar issues - my PWS reported 30 some odd degrees C but the rain machine mixer scaled it to 0 deg c???
I only use my PWS as it has the most accurate rain fall and temp for my area although it seems this is a rainmachine scaling issue. How can this be fixed? setting or need a firmware update?
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