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    RainMachine Nicholas

    Hi Jacob,

    The next run it tells  when the next scheduled program is set even if the simulation results in 0% irrigation but this can change from day to day.

    As for the reason why zone 4 and 5 didn't water I would look into Web UI Settings > Watering Log as it gives more details. I would also look (on Web UI) at each zone moisture graph (just click the button next to field capacity). 

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    Jacob (Edited )


    Thanks for the ideas but unfortunately the web UI doesn't give any additional information.

    I updated my zone settings (didn't know I even could when this happened on Thursday the 31st) later that day, so that might be affecting the way my surplus water graphs look, shown below.

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    You have adaptive frequency turned on ? Currently we have an issue reporting this adaptive skip.

    Still the absence of zone 5 is strange, makes me believe that something strange happens. Did you get any notifications about reboot during watering or valve shorts ? Maybe the controller is actually rebooting itself when reaching zone 4 due to some electrical issue. Is this a Mini-8 or HD-12 ?

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    It's a Mini-8. I notice in the web UI that the uptime is only 5 days. Seems like it must have power cycled for some reason. Not sure why.

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    Just do a manual watering for that program to check if it runs all zones, if uptime is 5 days it means it didn't reboot at the previous watering but still some stuck valve might trigger a protection but you should have received a notification on the phone about this.

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    All 4 zones have watered correctly before and after this instance.
    Also, I've had special conditions listed for when a zone was adjusted or there was a water surplus. Just not sure about this particular instance.

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    You did have a surplus for Zone 4 but not for Zone 2 on Jul 2. This difference comes from zone settings, I can't think of any other reason why this would be different between the 2 zones.

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    Sure, that's because I changed the zone settings after this happened. All were default when the issue occurred.
    I think the power failure occurred sometime between zone 4 and 5. Not sure if it was the unit failing or the power coming from my house.

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    Do you have notifications enabled on phone ? Because there is a special notification "Reboot during watering" that is being sent unless the power failure took more than 1 hour.

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    Jacob (Edited )

    I have notifications enabled, yes. I did not receive any like that. 

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