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Does ACTUAL rainfall today affect whether to water tomorrow?



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    RainMachine Nicholas

    How much it wanted to water in percentage ? If the large rain even was "yesterday" it means that the data from WU PWS is already available "today" (this is how WU gives observed data)  in which case RainMachine will calculate what we call "Forecast correction" which means it had a QPF (forecast) of 0.12" but actual RAIN (PWS) was 1.24" which gives a 1.12" extra water. If the zone field capacity can soak 1.12" or water this is the water that will be available for the future. If not then this is reduced to zone field capacity + a certain surface accumulation (depending on slope and other parameters).

    After this it will look if this extra water is enough for the next 4 days if yes, it won't water, if no but below a beneficial threshold it will postpone to next cycle after 4 days (8th day), if no it will water reduced percentage.

    I have a feeling that the WU PWS report was not quite reliable. This seems to happen lately pretty often with WU and it's something we want to address in the next update.

    Can you please check the actual data received from WU in Web UI > Settings > Weather > Rain Observed ?

    Can you also check the graphs for Available Water on one of the zones that it wanted to water ?



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    RainMachine Nicholas

    Yes, that would impact but I think the main problem with your setup is that you have a very small Field Capacity (0.22"). I'm not sure why your zones are set to Sand as this is the lowest field capacity. There is no way such a big rain even will be completely taken into account with such a small Field Capacity because from RainMachine point of view it doesn't have where to be stored. If you wish to keep Sand I would at least increase the field capacity by the +/- signs in Web UI.

    I looked at the cached data and indeed all your rain events were correctly taken into account but limited by the Field Capacity. 

    As for reporting, we only show QPF not RAIN although we should but the current UI is targeted to default setup that doesn't use PWS. It's something that we'll be improving.

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    Mark W

    It wanted to water 103% today. Below is the chart for one of my zones. (In my previous post I reported the forecast incorrectly for yesterday, the 12th. The forecast was actually LOWER, at 0.04", not 0.12"):

    Below is the summary for today. Note that it's only reporting 0.35" since last run, even though we had 1.23" just yesterday.


    Below is the chart showing how much rain was actually received. I don't understand how it seems to "know" about the 1.23" of actual rain in the chart below, but this isn't reflected in the summary in the chart above, where again, it only thinks there has been 0.35" since last run.

    Is there something I'm missing here? Thanks for any help or advice!

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    Mark W

    OK, looking at the temperature data reported by the PWS, it looks like recently it's been reporting the high about 10 degrees higher (F) than actual. Could this be throwing things off enough to cause what I'm seeing? I can switch to a different PWS if that will help. It's a bit farther away, but seems to at least give more accurate temp data.

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    Mark W (Edited )

    Yeah, if you could see my "soil" you'd know why I set it to Sand lol. I'll increase the field capacity number and see if that helps.

    Thanks for the quick response!

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    Maybe a Sandy Clay would be a better setting ? It has almost 1" of Field Capacity, but of course if it's really Sand then you aren't really overwatering since the holding capacity of sand is low.

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