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RainBird migration: custom Sprinkler Head Type



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    Hi Steven, 


    You can change the program frequency to "Every Day". Note that by doing this, the suggested time will be halved.

    By using adaptive frequency, RainMachine will water when watering needs are at least at 50% and rolling over to the next watering date when lower.


    We will consider re-showing "Suggested daily summer watering time" in zone advanced screen.



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    Steven Carmichael

    Hi Theodore,

    Thanks for the response.  I set program frequency to "Every Day", but that scheduled my Trees and Bushes zone for all the same days as Grass zones.  I was hoping that a zone for Trees and Bushes would automatically adaptively schedule less frequent watering than for Grass.  Since that did not happen, I created a separate every 3 days program for that zone.

    A 00:00 - 11:00 hourly restriction is set for Monday morning yard maintenance, but the dashboard and PROGRAM SIMULATION LOG show programs scheduled Monday.  From experience, I expect those will will be cancelled, but wish the scheduling algorithm accounted for hourly restrictions.

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    Hi Steven, 


    When you are using adaptive frequency and have configured two or more zones with different vegetation types, the program is still scheduled to run for all zones but it will not water those zones that don't fulfil the watering needs (at least 50%).

    I suspect that the watering needs for both zones in your case exceeded 50%. Creating a separate program for trees and bushes with different frequency is a good solution.




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