Strange Weather Forecast [BUG?]
I'm in Central Florida, so while it's winter this weather forecast obviously is wrong. The high and low temps are all showing as 32 degrees for the next week. I'm using FAWN and NOAA as weather stations. FAWN reports "Success" (updated in the past hour or so), NOAA reports "Error: No hourly information found". I've gone into the Weather Services on the web interface and did a "REFRESH ALL", NOAA then reports as Success, but the machine isn't updated and still reports the 32 degree hi/low for the week. Suggestions?
I took a look at your sprinkler and seen exactly what you described. When NOAA changed there output, we started experiencing this issue.
We applied a fix almost right away, but sometimes we need to disable NOAA and then re-enable it.
I've done this and your weather forecast is now showing up correctly.Let us know if you have any other problems or concerns.
I have the same problem although I am using NOAA and WU. I tried disabling NOAA and then re-enabling it, but that didn't make any difference. What's odd is that I have 2 controllers (both set up the same way) and only 1 of them is showing this problem. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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