What weather station seems to be best?
I have not heard from anyone so I am starting my own post. I don't get the WeatherUnderground anymore and don't think that is going to happen if I understand right. A person has to have their own weather station to be able to use WU anymore. Is that correct?
What weather station seems to be a good value and works well? Hopefully under $300 for the station, if that is possible.
Can anyone fill me in on what they do? Thanks so much.
I have an Ambient Weather WS-2000 and it works with my Mini-8 both from IFTTT and through WeeWX.
IFTTT pauses the Mini-8 if it rains more than 0.05 inches and WeeWX pushes the weather station data directly to the Mini-8.
Been working very nicely for me.
WeeWX does require at least a Raspberry Pi, but if you have any Linux machine around it will work. I have mine installed on a machine I use for Plex.
The WS-2902A is the same outdoor sensor package with a different indoor console and works the same way for the Mini-8 interface.
I bought an Ambient WS-2902A and was able to restore Wunderground service. I am using my PWS as the source. However, I am not seeing the recorded precipitation from the PWS showing up in the RainMachine observed logs, and RainMachine started to water this morning after we received 0.75 inches of rain yesterday evening.
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