Auto-Adjusted zone times
By default, RainMachine smart irrigation algorithm use weather data from the weather services user have selected to auto-adjust the program zone watering times at start time.
Both Suggested and Custom program zone times will be auto-adjusted by default without any user intervention.
Fixed zone times
To skip this RainMachine auto-adjusting program zone times at start time and get Fixed program zone times (Suggested or Custom) you have to do the following:
1. Disable the program "Weather-Adaptive Watering" option.
Important: This will affect all program zones watering times and all of them will be fixed. RainMachine will water 100% of the zone times.
2. Disable the zone weather options, but keep the program "Weather-Adaptive Watering" option enabled.
Note: Only the zones with the weather options on OFF will water fixed times, 100%.Example: You have a zone always in the shade and does not require weather data (always need to water 100%), but you have to use it into a program with zones that require weather data and their times to be auto-adjusted based on weather. Either create another program with the weather-adaptive option OFF or disable that particular zone weather options entirely.Important: This will affect all the programs that zone is used in. The zone with all weather options OFF will water 100%.
We encourage you to experiment with the various settings to find a duration that works best with your setup and keep an eye on how your plants respond.
Create different programs with auto-adjusted zone times (both zones and program weather options are ON) and other programs with fixed zone times by disabling the program weather-adaptive watering option.
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