Since Mar 2023 NetAtmo changed their client authentication API policies and the RainMachine NetAtmo Weather Service currently available, can no longer be used to retrieve data from personal NetAtmo accounts.
To continue using RainMachine NetAmo Weather Service please follow these steps.
- Use RainMachine Web app (local or remote)
- Choose your RainMachine device
1. Disable/Remove the current NetAtmo Weather Service
2. Update the NetAtmo Weather Service with the September 2023 fix applied
3. Create a NetAtmo dev app to get a client ID and client secret
4. Generate NetAtmo dev app Refresh and Access tokens
5. Troubleshooting
Disable/Remove the current NetAtmo Weather Service
- Go to Settings - Weather - RainMachine (or Settings - Weather - Community)
- Look for and open RainMachine NetAtmo weather service that it is already enabled
- Scroll down and click on its bottom left Defaults button.
- Uncheck the Enabled checkbox to disable it
- Click Save button and then go back to the Weather Services list.
Update the NetAtmo Weather Service version with the September 2023 fix applied
Go to Weather - Community - PersonalNetAtmo and choose Update to v1.42 to get the September 2023 fix.
- Download the ZIP archive containing the NetAtmo weather service with the September 2023 fix applied from here
- Unzip the archive to get the "" file (Note only the .py file extension at the end).
- Go back to the RainMachine Web app - Settings - Weather and click on the UPLOAD button.
- Using Browse button locate the "" file and upload it.
- Find the RainMachine NetAtmo Weather Services called "Auth PersonalNetatmo Parser - Sep 2023 Fix" and click on it.
- Click Install and then go back to the Community tab. The new NetAtmo Weather Service should be listed on top of the list. Open it.
- Enable it (check the Enabled checkbox).
- Enter your NetAtmo account credentials (username email and password) into the designated input fields.
- Enter your NetAtmo app client ID and client secret
- Enter the Refresh and Access tokens.
- Click Save
- Click on Refresh Now button. If the credentials are correct, your NetAtmo modules should be automatically listed. If you want to use a particular module, check useSpecifiedModules checkbox and then copy the MAC address of the module you want to use. If you want to use more than one, separate their MAC addresses with commas. See the screenshot attached.
Note: It could take few minutes until the connection with the NetAtmo dev app is made and the weather data from the NetAtmo modules are fetched and listed under the availableModules section. Click on Refresh Now button to get the latest status.
Create a NetAtmo dev app to get a client ID and client secret
- Go to and sign in with your NetAtmo account (username email and password)
- Click on this link
- Give your new NetAtmo dev app a name, a description, enter your name and your email address and click Save button.
4. Automatically, the client ID and client secret will be generated for the NetAtmo dev app.
- Use the client id and client secret to setup the "PersonalNetAtmo" weather service for your RainMachine device.
Generate NetAtmo dev app Refresh and Access tokens
Use the Token generator options to generate the Refresh and Access tokens for your NetAtmo modules access.
Click on Choose scopes and select the first scope called read_stations and the click on the Generate tokens button.
Automatically the Refresh and Access buttons will be generated.
Click on them to copy and then go to RainMachine Web app and insert them into the designated NetAtmo weather service input fields.
If the NetAtmo modules are not listed and the status of the service refresh is None (no weather data being fetched) you can try to reset the client_ID and secret from the NetAtmo developer page and use the new ones. Keep in mind that the access to NetAtmo service could take some time to initiate.
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