Dashboard Breakdown
The dashboard screen allows you to view both past and future watering and weather statistics in depth, by Week, Month, and Year.
Figure 1.1 App Dashboard
Water Saved shows you a percentage of how much water will be saved on the next watering cycle. It also shows the next watering cycle and time along with how long its been since it updated weather information.
Figure 1.2 App Water Saved
Active Weather Services can be accessed by clicking on "Last weather update" from Figure 1.2 App Water Saved. Here you can enable/disable NOAA along with other Weather Services and adjust Weather Sensitivity.
Figure 1.3 App Active Weather Services
Add Weather Service
You can add another Weather Service by clicking "Add Weather Service" from Figure 1.3 Active Weather Services. Here you can enable and edit settings for a number of weather services by clicking on the respective weather service.
NOTE: Unit is shipped with NOAA as default weather source. Other weather options are to be used as 'advanced features', not necessary for most applications. Please read knowledge base articles of for each datasource before enabling the service.
Figure 1.4 App Weather Services
Programs shows your scheduled watering in an easy to read graph along side the weather forecasting as well as past watering activities.
Figure 1.5 App Programs
Precipitation: This graph shows you past and future forecasted rain amounts (inch/day). Swipe right / left to see more.
Figure 1.5 App Precipitation
Additional Notes
By pressing the “Edit” button, you can rearrange the graphs order or hide them from the dashboard view.
Daily Water Need is not enabled by default but You can enable by pressing on it and enable "Show on Dashboard"
Daily Water Need shows you a reference amount of water needed for that respective day. Please note that actual irrigation might vary based on irrigation frequency as defined by your programs. Swipe right/left to see more. (Not shown by default)
Figure 1.7 App Daily Water Needs
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