RainMachine can be integrated with other weather services for which we don’t provide support by default. At the time of the creation of this document multiple weather services are already supported: NOAA, MET.NO, Weather Underground,, NetAtmo.
If your desired weather service is not included, a custom weather parser can be written. These weather parsers are small python scripts that fetch weather from different sources (internet service, local sensors, etc) and RainMachine will automatically “mix” this data with data from other running/active parsers.
The RainMachine parser framework will load your custom parser and execute the perform() function inside. Note that your parser must be a class that inherit RMParser (see example below).
1. First develop your code that fetches and parses the data and test it on your development machine. Note any extra python modules that you need
2. Wrap your code in a function named perform() and add it to a class that inherits RMParser (as in example below). Provide parserName, parserDescription and other details.
3. The data that you need RainMachine to see, should be added by using either addValue() or addValues() calls
4. Upload the code (should be a .py file) to your RainMachine by following these steps:
- open RainMachine Web app
Note: The RainMachine mobile apps doesn't have the option to manually upload a weather service.
- connect to your RainMachine
- go to Settings - Weather
- click UPLOAD
- look for the weather service .py file on your computer and upload it
- once successful, the new weather service will be listed under the "Community" tab.
5. Manually run the parser that you created and check for any errors in the logs (in web ui logs can be viewer From Settings->About->View Log)
6. If everything is ok the data should be already in RainMachine database, and your parser will be automatically run on the interval that you specified with parserInterval.
Note: All data that’s passed to addValue/addValues function should be in metric system. Data types (and their measurement units) known by RainMachine are listed below:
class RMWeatherDataType: TIMESTAMP = "TIMESTAMP" #[Unix timestamp] TEMPERATURE = "TEMPERATURE" #[degC] MINTEMP = "MINTEMP" #[degC] MAXTEMP = "MAXTEMP" #[degC] RH = "RH" #[percent] MINRH = "MINRH" #[percent] MAXRH = "MAXRH" #[percent] WIND = "WIND" #[meter/sec] SOLARRADIATION = "SOLARRADIATION" #[megaJoules / square meter per hour] SKYCOVER = "SKYCOVER" #[percent] RAIN = "RAIN" #[mm] ET0 = "ET0" #[mm] POP = "POP" #[percent] QPF = "QPF" #[mm] - CONDITION = "CONDITION" #[string] PRESSURE = "PRESSURE" #[kilo Pa atmospheric pressure] DEWPOINT = "DEWPOINT" #[degC] USERDATA = "USERDATA"
Other resources
All default parsers examples can be found here:
Parser Example
from RMParserFramework.rmParser import RMParser # Mandatory include for parser definition from RMUtilsFramework.rmLogging import log # Optional include for logging import json # Your parser needed libraries class ExampleParser(RMParser): parserName = "My Example Parser" # Your parser name parserDescription = "Testing parser API" # A description for this parser parserInterval = 3600 # Your parser running interval in seconds parserDebug = False # Don't show extra debug messages params = {} # Internal params that can be changed with API call /parser/{id}/params # The function that will be executed must have this name def perform(self): # Accessing system location settings lat = self.settings.location.latitude # Other location settings #self.state #self.latitude #self.longitude #self.address #self.elevation #self.gmtOffset #self.dstOffset #self.stationID #self.stationName #self.et0Average # downloading data from a URL convenience function since other python libraries can be used # data = self.openURL(URL STRING, PARAMETER LIST) # URL = " # parameterList = [ ("parameter1", "value"),("parameter2", "value") ] # After parsing your data you can add it into a database automatically created for your parser with # self.addValue( VALUE TYPE, UNIX TIMESTAMP, VALUE) # Adding multiple values at once is possible with # self.addValues( VALUE TYPE, LIST OF TUPLES [ (TIMESTAMP, VALUE), (TIMESTAMP, VALUE) ... ] # Predefined VALUE TYPES # RMParser.dataType.TEMPERATURE # RMParser.dataType.MINTEMP # RMParser.dataType.MAXTEMP # RMParser.dataType.RH # RMParser.dataType.WIND # RMParser.dataType.SOLARRADIATION # RMParser.dataType.SKYCOVER # RMParser.dataType.RAIN # RMParser.dataType.ET0 # RMParser.dataType.POP # RMParser.dataType.QPF # RMParser.dataType.CONDITION # RMParser.dataType.PRESSURE # RMParser.dataType.DEWPOINT # For your own custom values you can use # self.addUserValue( YOUR CUSTOM VALUE NAME, TIMESTAMP, VALUE)
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