Enable/Disable SSH access
- Using a desktop internet browser go to https://RAINMACHINE_IP:8080/api/4/
- Scroll down to the /machine section
- Look for POST ssh option
- Check (for enable) or uncheck (for disable) the enabled checkbox
- Click on POST ssh text link to save the option
- Reboot the device by clicking on POST reboot option.
Generate a SSH key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "RainMachine"
- This will generate a file id_rsa.pub or something similar.
- Open the file and copy the text string inside.
Upload the public SSH key
- Access the RainMachine Touch HD 2nd generation device
- Using a desktop internet browser go to https://RAINMACHINE_IP:8080/api/4/
- Scroll down to POST dev/import/sshkey
- Enter the text string from the id_rsa.pub file in the input box below and press the POST dev/import/sshkey link.
- Reboot the device by clicking on Post reboot option from the /machine section.
We recommend to change the default password by issuing passwd
on command line after connecting with the default credentials:
username: root
password: rainmachine
- After reboot use the command:
ssh -i <id_rsa file (not .pub)> root@<rainmachine_ip>
- More info on how to generate a SSH key can be found here: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-on-the-Server-Generating-Your-SSH-Public-Key
- No need to generate SSH key for RainMachine Mini-8 and RainMachine Pro-8/16 devices.
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