Why is schedule doing this?
Trying to figure out why my schedule is doing this.. I have NOAA & WU set up - the WU site is my own weather station at this location. Had 0.17" of rain on Saturday.. QPF for Saturday was 0.67. Sunday's schedule for lawn did not run due to water surplus. Today, QPF for today is 1.19" and for tomorrow it is 0.09". Despite that -- the watering schedule is planning on 64% for my lawn program tomorrow. Wed & Thurs, there is 0.00 QPF -- and schedule says it wont run due to planned surplus.
Can someone please explain how that is calculated? I'm using the suggested times instead of custom.
So, something seems amiss.. I ended up disabling the WU parser, and clicking the defaults button.. I then added WU back, along with my station -- and now - the schedule seems to make more sense.. But prior to doing that -- if I go to the weather graphs and show the Rain (Observed) graph -- it no longer shows the 0.17" of rainfall that my station measured on 8/5/17 (Last time it rained).
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