It won't let me change the next water date.
I have 2 different programs. One of the programs doesn't work right. It hasn't watered for over a week. I have tried different settings and nothing seems to work. I try to get it so that tomorrow will be the day in the 4 day cycle and it shows it goes. I hit save and when I get to the main page it has changed to something else. Many times it won't even let me change the next water date. What is wrong with my device?
Did you manage to solve this ? You should have a reason why the program didn't start if you use the Web Interface and go to Settings > Watering log.
A quick way to fix would be to create another program with exact same parameters and see if it works. The older program might have available water saved and not need to water which would be the correct behavior.
This still does not work properly. I just switched my settings from certain days to now every 5 days. It just watered today and now because I changed to every 5 days, it is for some reason scheduled to water tomorrow.
I want it to start watering on a certain day. I go in and change the day and set it. I see that it says the day I want and then I go to save. I go back in and look and it goes back to the day it wants to water on so I have no control at all on when to water. I tried the settings on the main controller and also my phone but neither lets me change the water day.
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