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IFTTT connection won't work



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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Jeff
    We just checked and everything seems to work without issues.
    We have more than one RainMachine device associated with our remote access account and the IFTTT "THAT" action discovered them all. 
    We could pick the one we want and create an applet easily.

    Please check if your RainMachine is online (connected to the internet) and it is accessible through remote access service. Use the mobile app or go directly to and log in.

    Thank you, Jeff
    RainMachine Support

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    I can connect remotely from that URL. 

    I just disabled and reenabled remote access from the unit. It sent me a verification email, and when I click on the link to verify, I get a page that says 


    We can't communicate with your RainMachine, make sure that RainMachine is connected to your network and can reach the internet.

    When on the same Wi-Fi network:
    - open the RainMachine iOS or Android mobile app on your phone,
    - connect to RainMachine locally,
    - go to Settings - System Settings - Remote Access
    - switch it OFF and then switch it back ON.

    A new email validation will be sent. Please re-validate the remote access account - click on the "Confirm email address" blue button.

    If these steps fail to address this issue, please search for the answer on our support knowledgebase page or contact us.
    Thank you.
    But the odd thing is, I can connect remotely from the app and the browser, but I can't do the confirmation, and the IFTTT service says No Options Found. And...I tried setting up Google Home, and when I try a command, it says, "you have no zones or programs with the name xxx"
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    RainMachine Support (Edited )

    Edit: It looks like you have a 1st generation RainMachine Touch device and the IFTTT connection doesn't work with our 1st generation devices, unfortunately.
    We do offer a big discount if you want to upgrade to the 2nd generation. Please contact us directly.
    Thank you for your understanding, Jeff


    Hi, Jeff
    When you try to set up the RainMachine IFTTT service:
    - login to your IFTTT account
    - search for RainMachine service
    - tap on the upper right Settings button and even if it says the Status: active click on Edit connection button
    - if you're not logged in into the RainMachine account, log in with your remote access credentials and the all you have to do is to Accept the IFTTT connection.
    After that, check your IFTTT applet again and see if your RainMachine is discovered.

    Hope this helps, Jeff
    Thank you,
    RainMachine Support

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    Did something change to remove the capability? I used IFTTT all last summer with this unit.

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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Jeff
    Yes. We had a remote access infrastructure change last December and that changed some things for the new platform.
    We informed our developers about this issue and we'll let you know if there is possible to bring back IFTTT support for 1st gen RainMachine Touch devices.

    Thank you,
    RainMachine Support

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    Did you inform your customers? Wow, that's pretty bad to just remove functionality from existing customers that already had it. My remote connections are slow and unreliable now. I didn't see any disclaimers on the website that this functionality had been degraded for gen 1 devices. I sure hope you can restore us gen 1 customers to working status. I have to say I am not pleased with this.

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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Jeff
    Yes, we understand that and we are currently working on a fix.

    Thank you, 
    RainMachine Support

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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Jeff
    We're sorry again for the delay. The issue has been fixed and the IFTTT RainMachine actions and triggers are working right now for the RainMachine Touch 1st gen devices.

    Thank you for your patience,
    RainMachine Support


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    OK, thank you for the work on this. Is there something that needs to be reset or rebooted? I reconnected the Rain Machine in IFTTT, and it says Active, but when I try to make it select a zone to start, the dropdown box just says "Loading..." forever.

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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Jeff
    Yes, it will help/fix to reconnect the IFTTT to your RainMachine Account.

    Thank you,
    RainMachine Support

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    Right, I did do that, but am still getting stuck at "Loading."

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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Jeff
    Are you able to access your RainMachine through ?
    If you are, then it should work. If it doesn’t then we will have to look from our side. On all our test we were able to access and control the RainMachine Touch 1st generation.

    Thank you for your understanding, Jeff
    RainMachine Support

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    I think I've got it. 

    I had disconnected and reconnected, but this time, I disconnected, and then also made sure that my browser was logged out of the Rain Machine account as well. This time, when I reconnected the service, I was prompted for the Rain Machine logon as the browser wasn't already logged in. So this time it seems to have successfully connected. When I set up an action, it populated the zones in the selection drop down. I'll run it when I get home, but I think that means it's going to work.

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    RainMachine Support

    Yes, Jeff
    It’s working!

    RainMachine Support

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    It worked for about a day. Back to not loading the zones in IFTTT...

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    I had to disconnect, and then separately log out and then reconnect and it started working. If it follows the pattern though, it should fail in not too long...

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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Jeff
    Just to rule out this situation - if you change the name of your zones, programs or RainMachine device you should check the IFTTT applet and fix it by link it to the new changed names. If the RainMachine device loses connection to our remote access servers the RainMachine IFTTT service has to be re-enabled, even if it say it is "active" on the IFTTT service settings.
    Please keep us posted.
    Thank you, Jeff

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