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Recent IOS update (4.5.103) broke direct access




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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Gregory
    Nothing has been changed on that side, but we will have a look.
    Can you access the RainMachine devices using the internet browser by typing their IP address just like you add it to the mobile app for Direct Access? The RainMachine web app loads up?

    RainMachine Support


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    Gregory Feiner

    Yes I can access the RM just fine via web browser at https://rm_ip_address:8080/ui.  I mentioned in my post above that local/auto discovery via the RM IOS app does not work since the iphone and RM sit on two different access points which are on two separate subnets (probably due to IGMP broadcasts not crossing subnets). Well, if I put my iphone on the same access point as the RM, then local/auto discovery will work in the 4.5.103 IOS app and I can access the RM via the app but the "direct" device I setup in the app still wont allow access to the RM.  Selecting the direct device just results in a spinning circle.  FYI, I have the direct access setup in the app as rm_ip_address:8080

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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Gregory
    Indeed it was a bug that slipped from our side that block the direct access connection.
    Currently, we fixed it and sent for approval to Apple.

    Sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for your understanding, Gregory
    RainMachine Support

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    Gregory Feiner

    Ok. Thank you for fixing it.

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