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HD12/16 list of known working WIFI adapters




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    Mike E (Edited )

    Article mentions "this file" to edit. What file? Path please. What editor? VI?

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    The file is /etc/insmod-wifi-modules.conf which can be indeed edited with vi on command line. I updated the guide with the missing file name. Thanks for pointing this to us.

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    Mike E (Edited )

    Disappointingly, the TP-LINK TL-WN722N doesn't work with the rtl8188eus driver and modified .conf file. I'm assuming I have a V2 based on usbview.exe on my Windows laptop since it identifies the vendor/product IDs. Powering the WN722N with a powered USB hub connected to the RainMachine makes the rain machine behave strangely (eg, the powered usb hub makes the RainMachine appear powered), so I unplugged it immediately.

    Basically, if we could get support for a low cost adapter with an external exchangeable screw-on antenna, that would be great to hopefully increase range.

    I've also tried hacking an antenna onto the original wifi adapter by soldering a U.FL connector onto the dongle's circuit board, with little luck. Tinkered enough to trash it in the process.

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    I downloaded drivers for both V2 and V3 for WN722N and they look like 8188eus based. Maybe we are just missing a vendor/product id in the driver. Can you post it here ? Maybe I can get my hands on one of these to try.

    I also tested this one: and it works ok (but connects with cable).

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    Mike E

    I think this should be the .conf settings for the TP-LINK TL-WN722N v2 and v3

    Thus Vendor: 2357, Product: 010c

    The stubby antennas on the WN822N don't seem interchangeable/replaceable, but are probably better than the built in one that come with the RainMachine dongle. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll keep it in mind.


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    RainMachine Nicholas

    This combination of vid/pid is not in the sources that we have. You could try to dynamically add vid/pid to module id *before pluging the adapter* to check if it works with current driver:

    echo 2357 010c > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rtl8188eu/new_id
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    Mike E

    I tried multiple times (even with rtl8188eus as part of the command line...which didn't work..."No such file or directory"). Obviously, I had to ungracefully yank the factory dongle from the RainMachine and insert the new one. Every time I plugged in the new WN722N (after running the command line), the RainMachine quit responding to screen presses and apparently froze. Tried a few variants of the command line, and Disabling Wifi through the screen before connecting/reconnecting. If I plugged in both dongles (before running the command), the lsusb command listed the WN722N dongle.

    Thus, I'm thinking the installed driver doesn't work?

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    David Adler

    Hello, is there an updated list for 2020 (e.g. firmware 

    For example, is TP-Link WN725N compatible?  It's less expensive and easier to find than others on the list, e.g. $10 on Amazon at

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    TP-Link WN725N v1

    Chipset: Realtek RTL8188CUS



    TP-Link WN725N v2

    Chipset: Realtek RTL8188EUS




    List of chipsets for TP-Link USB Archer "T" WLAN adapters


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