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Anyone using Netatmo?



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    RainMachine Nicholas

    I'm using NetAtmo + Rain Gauge works pretty well once you find a good place to put the Rain Gauge.

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    I have a pool cage and I was thinking about attaching the rain gauge to that.

    And Netatmo plays nice and everything shows correctly on the graphs?

    Thinking about using Netatmo instead of my 5 in 1 acurite.

    Thank you

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    I also have a similar "big" weather station from Ambient Weather integrated with WUnderground and I'm using both in my RainMachine.

    From my own experience NetAtmo data retrieval seems to be better than WUnderground but NetAtmo RainGauge always seems to report less rain than my big weather station and I stopped using the Wind Module from NetAtmo for good as I was getting stange speed readings. I might be wrong but I believe that the old simple anemometer works better than ultrasonic one in NetAtmo.

    I think one of the misunderstanding in RainMachine interface comes from the fact that it displays QPF (precipitation forecast) not the actual measured precipitation (which you actually receive after 1 day) when you have Weather Stations / WUnderground integrated. The only places where measured is shown is on Web UI dashboard MONTH tab and on

    Setting > Weather > Weather Services > RAIN tab (you'll have to select a few days back on time range).

    Under the hood RainMachine does the irrigation corrections using the measured RAIN but UI is not so user friendly showing that.

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    Dbmet (Edited )

    Just curious if adding the ambient weather station using there api will ever be an option. I have a ambient weather station as well 

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    The only problem with Ambient API is the fact that RainMachine Mini-8 and HD, SSL library doesn't work with the SSL protocol on Ambient API server. This would probably be fixed in an update but I'm not sure how far in queue is.

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    Thank you for explaining all that.  On the WEB UI I am getting a red message saying "Could not get specified station data".  I have been using my PWS with the same API for the last lear and it is just starting to say that message.  On the APP I have NO warning at all and it says PASSED

    Could this be causing my problems why I am seeing nothing on any of the graphs?

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    RainMachine Nicholas

    Did you try to click REFRESH NOW button on Web UI (also you should refresh the webpage) maybe it's something temporarily wrong with WU ?

    Can you try to replace it without another STATION NAME from Nearby Station List ?

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    As soon as I deleted my API key and hit refresh it worked and said "Success".  If i put the API back  in I get the error message.

    SO it seems these API are being discontinued rather quickly.  

    I thank you for all your help.

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