Weather data from Cumulus Software to Rainmachine
Looking for a way to get data from my "Fine Offset" clone PWS (or Cumulus software) to my rainmachine? preferably without needing to go via the internet.
I was using WeatherUndreground but that seems completely stuffed for me and I can no longer even get my PWS to upload data. Also with the high cost direction they are going I want to move away from them.
I see some mentions of using "Local Weather Push Parser" and Rainmachine. Is there anything built\setup to get data from the Cumulus Software to Rainmachine?
If not should it be possible to write a windows service to push the weather data into Rainmachine API? (I write C# code for a living so I could definitely do this but don't want to if it's unnecessary)
As you already discovered the Local Weather Push API was designed for this but we don't have a plugin for Cumulus.
We do have one for WeeWX which supports Fine Offset clones available here. I guess something similar should be done for Cumulus.
To use Local Weather Push you need:
1. Enable service on RainMachine. From Web UI > Settings > Weather > Developer tab > Local Weather Push (Enable and Save)
2. Use the API to push data as explained here:
The example from documentation sends a JSON with an array of data but in the simplest form you just need to send a single entry periodically:
{ "weather": [ { "mintemp": null, "maxtemp": null, "temperature": null, "wind": null, "solarrad": null, "qpf": null, "rain": null, "minrh": null, "maxrh": null, "condition": 26, "pressure": null, "dewpoint": null }
] }If you don't set a timestamp in the JSON array element then the current timestamp, when data was received, is set for data.
Hi Nicholas,
Thanks for the reply. Some very useful information.
I might have a look at WeeWX to see if I can get that going in the short term. Unfortunately I have almost no python experience so not sure how I'll go.
In the longer term it looks like the Cumulus software and source code has been released to the public domain. Cumulus is written in C which I have experience writing JSON interfaces in. So I'll try give it a go adding Rainmachine support to it(spare time being the issue). I'll let people know in these forums if I get anywhere .
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