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Basic Programming



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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Jon
    Thank you for your question.
    For now, there is no way to set different frequency per zones inside of one program.
    That's why we support setting up as many program as you need.
    For your scenarios, you have to create a program with its own frequency for each zone.

    Thank you for your understanding, Jon
    RainMachine Support

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    Jon Waland

    I guess I wasn't clear.

    If I have zone 1 = flowers and zone 2=lawn and zone 3=citrus, all in a single daily program, will the system automatically handle when each should actually be watered?


    do I need to put each type into their own program and schedule specific days?

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    Jon Waland

    (Or I was clear, and the expectation is multiple programs?)

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    RainMachine Support

    Hi, Jon
    Yes, you were clear and you are also right - depending on each zone advanced settings you may have set, the watering programs are automatically calculated for each of them, BUT, the program will run for all zones on the frequency you'll set and that frequency is for the entire program.

    Hope this helps, Jon
    Thank you,
    RainMachine Support

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