Where is ET coming from
Where is the ET value coming from? I have a Davis weather system which computes it's own ET value but it doesn't look like the parser is picking it up for some reason. My log shows this and also shows a line "Recieved data:" and some data with what looks like a calculated ET value. Where does this data come from? Recieved from where? I have set up ForecastIO, OpenWeatherMap and NOAA as sources for forecast. The log doesn't show anything relative to these forecast sources except for OpenWeatherMap which shows an error message "Error in parser 'OpenWeatherMap Parser' while downloading data"
Is there some way to see the data coming from ForecastIO and NOAA? Is it getting a forecasted value for ET from ForecastIO?
Is anyone out there getting a ET value from their Davis Weather system into RainMachine?
On the Weather Comparison chart there are no values for ET from my weather station only RainMixer and Summer Average values. There are no values from any other source.
Here is a portion of my log
2019-05-01 08:17:50,221 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:55 - Sent LOOP command 2019-05-01 08:17:55,227 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:66 - Recv timeout (timed out) retrying. 2019-05-01 08:17:57,239 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:69 - Sent LOOP command 2019-05-01 08:17:57,705 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:77 - Parsing Response 2019-05-01 08:17:57,707 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:118 - Barometer: 98.194 2019-05-01 08:17:57,710 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:123 - Outside Temp: 10.5555555556 2019-05-01 08:17:57,712 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:130 - Wind Speed (10min avg): 0.0 2019-05-01 08:17:57,713 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:133 - Humidity: 71 2019-05-01 08:17:57,715 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:139 - Solar Radiation: 387 2019-05-01 08:17:57,717 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:144 - Day Rain: 0.0 2019-05-01 08:17:57,719 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:150 - Day EvapoTranspiration: 0.0 2019-05-01 08:17:57,721 - INFO - user-weatherlinkip2-parser:157 - Condition: 6 -> 3 2019-05-01 08:17:58,815 - INFO - rmMixer:123 - *** DATA IN THE PAST: 2019-02-20 00:00:00 2019-05-01 08:17:58,818 - INFO - rmMixer:124 - *** Received data: ('2019-02-20 00:00:00', temp=4.4400000000000004/1, minTemp=None/0, maxTemp=None/0, rh=76/1, minRh=None/0, maxRh=None/0, wind=None/0, solarRad=77/1, skyCover=None/0, rain=0/1, et0=None/0, pop=None/0, qpf=None/0, condition=13/0, pressure=98.189999999999998/1, dewPoint=None/0, userData=None, minTemp=1.6699999999999999/0, maxTemp=5.5599999999999996/0, minRH=74/0, maxRH=96/0, et0cal=None, et0final=None) 2019-05-01 08:17:58,831 - INFO - rmMixer:131 - *** Added Existing data: '2019-02-20 00:00:00', temp=4.4400000000000004/1, minTemp=None/0, maxTemp=None/0, rh=76/1, minRh=None/0, maxRh=None/0, wind=None/0, solarRad=77/1, skyCover=None/0, rain=0/1, et0=None/0, pop=None/0, qpf=None/0, condition=13/1, pressure=98.189999999999998/1, dewPoint=None/0, userData=None, minTemp=1.6699999999999999/1, maxTemp=5.5599999999999996/1, minRH=74/1, maxRH=96/1, et0cal=7.6079123267255389, et0final=7.6100000000000003
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