CIMIS: does the parser work at all?
I am getting this error in the log file
ERROR - rmParser:133 - *** Error in parser 'CIMIS Parser' while downloading data from,lng=MY_LONG&dataItems=day-asce-eto,day-precip,day-sol-rad-avg,day-vap-pres-avg,day-air-tmp-max,day-air-tmp-min,day-air-tmp-avg,day-rel-hum-max,day-rel-hum-min,day-rel-hum-avg,day-dew-pnt,day-wind-spd-avg,day-wind-run,day-soil-tmp-avg&startDate=2019-06-03&endDate=2019-06-09&unitOfMeasure=M
, error: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
And then if I open that URL in the browser I get this from CIMIS:
[ERR2114-INVALID COORDINATE DATA ITEM] Invalid coordinate request with data item: day-precip. The only valid data items for coordinate requests are 'day-asce-eto', 'day-sol-rad-avg'.
And my answer to myself is : yes, it works. It looks like API has changed and the only way to retrieve most of the info is to specify station number and have "customStation" box checked . If the box is not checked , it tries to retrieve data by geo coords but the only data available by coordinates is
'day-asce-eto', 'day-sol-rad-avg'
Is it still working/not working for you? I signed up with CIMIS today and retrieved and pasted my API key into the Rainmachine configuration and listed my chosen 3-digit station number in the station field, and checked the box for custom station, and it's set to retrieve 5 days. When I click refresh, the last successfully updated text doesn't update, on the configuration page. On the "Weather services" part of the dashboard, it says "Error: can not open url" in the status section.
I'm getting the same error on Wunderground configuration also (Error: can not open url) despite having my Wunderground API key entered that I have from my PWS.
To answer my own question now, CIMIS seems to have successfully loaded/parsed? I may have not clicked the "Save" button after generating my api-key on the CIMIS website the first time, so when I went back, it didn't have a key listed. I generated it again and this time clicked save and copied to the RM settings and shortly thereafter, I received a notification on my phone that CIMIS weather data had been updated and I noticed "Success" on the weather sources page.
Still no luck on WU. .
Something is still wrong. I can download data from CIMIS using the URL from the rainmachine log but I do not see any new data points in weather plots even though CIMIS source shows as successfully updated. Also , I see this error right after I run CIMIS update manually:
PRESSURE value 1.8 less than limits minimum of 50, invalidated.
It looks like units dont match somewhere . Thank God we are not landing on Mars
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