Autumn 2019 RainMachine devices firmware update (change log)
RainMachine Mini-8: v.4.0.999
RainMachine Touch HD-12/16: v.4.0.1129
RainMachine Pro-8/16: v.4.0.1148
- Finish by Sunrise/Sunset: Fix for corner case where irrigation won't start after changin offset/program parameters
- MET.NO update date URL to HTTPS to fix data retrieval errors
RainMachine Touch HD-12/16 specific:
- This release adds support for Apple HomeKit see Settings > System > Internet of Things
on how to enable and pair your iOS device with RainMachine
- The HomeKit support must be enabled from the above mentioned menu to function
RainMachine Pro-8/16 specific:
- Fix HomeKit HomeApp duration timers not refreshing while application was open
- Add WiFi Access Point control to local display interface
- Improve performance of remote service for larger data transfers
Web interface
- Manage soil available water
- Show/Hide inactive zones
- Better refresh of weather graphs after refreshing a weather service data
- Zone settings layout change
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