Autumn 2020 RainMachine devices firmware update (change log)
We frequently release new features, improvements, and bug fixes to our RainMachine devices. Each firmware releases are free and easy to implement from the device itself or using the RainMachine mobile applications.
This month we released the following firmware updates:
RainMachine Mini-8: v.4.0.1002
RainMachine Touch HD-12 and Touch HD-16: v.4.0.1134
RainMachine Pro-8 and Pro-16: v.4.0.1151
Change log
Common Firmware
- Met.No Weather Service: Update for the latest Met.No API as the previous version used by RainMachine is no longer accessible.
- Programs Finish Before Sunrise: We have identified the cause that in certain cases can cause the Finish Before Sunrise programs not to run. To prevent this from happening we are now restricting the program start to be on the same day. If previously the programs could theoretically start way past midnight (for programs with long duration) this is now limited to midnight to prevent the same program starting on the same day twice leading to confusion.
- NetAtmo Weather Service: Fixed issues with automatic re-login after the expiration of the previous login.
- NetAtmo Weather Service: Allow the possibility to specify modules for other base stations if the user has multiple base stations
- NetAtmo Weather Service: Allow the possibility to select modules from devices being shared by other users.
- NOAA Weather Service: Better caching of day data for cases where further reports have missing data.
- WUnderground Weather Service: Report observed RAIN for today instead of just for the previous day
- Fix conversion for RadiationWattsPerHour for user weather services.
Touch HD Firmware
- WIFI reconnect improvements.
- A separate experimental mode WIFI reconnect algorithm has been added.
- Added support for TP-Link Archer T2U Plus WIFI Adapter.
Web interface
- Fix issue with charts graphs being cramped on the left side that sometimes happen after a refresh.
- Improved NetAtmo Weather Service configuration UI.
- Added dark mode with the possibility to switch between light mode and dark mode from Settings > System Settings.
- Other improvements.
Thank you
RainMachine Support
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