Unfortunately, RainMachine Google Assistant integration will be removed by Google and it will stop working on June 13, 2023. We are working on an update. Please follow our webpage for announcements regarding this issue. Thank you!
"Ok, Google. Talk to RainMachine. Water zone Front Lawn for five minutes and thirty seconds"
Control RainMachine with your voice.
- A valid RainMachine remote access account
Note: Google Assistant RainMachine smart home integration requires RainMachine Premium Services subscription since it doesn't work without a valid RainMachine Remote Access email account.
- Download and install Google Assistant mobile app (iOS or Android) and log in with the Google account.
- A Google Home device (optional).
Note: Once the RainMachine Google Assistant app is configured, you can use the voice commands with any compatible Google Assistant standalone devices. They will need to be linked to the same google account.
Connect Google Assistant with RainMachine
1) Log in to Google.
2) Using your phone open this link https://assistant.google.com/services/a/uid/00000008590ba9cd?hl=en-US
3) Open the Google Assistant app (iOS or Android) and type Talk to RainMachine
4) Automatically, Google Assistant will prompt that you do not have the RainMachine Google Assistant integration linked with your Google Account and it will ask to link it.
Note: If there are more RainMachine devices associated with the same remote access account you will be able to control them all. Please make sure you will not have the same zone and program names on different RainMachine devices.
Important: Learn more about Google Assistant availability. If you do not get the RainMachine integration listed, as a workaround, you might need to change your phone/tablet region to the United States and language to English (United States) in order to discover and use Google Assistant applications like RainMachine.
5) To grant Google Assistant access to RainMachine tap on the "Agree" button.
6) Done! Your RainMachine account is now linked to Google Assitant.
Operating Rainmachine via Google Assistant
The first and required step to control RainMachine with voice using the Google Assistant app on your phone is to tap on the microphone icon and say: Talk to RainMachine
The Assistant will open the RainMachine app replying with a greeting message.
After that use one of the voice commands:
1) start/water zone followed by the zone custom name with the desired amount of time in minutes and seconds, all in the same command.
Note: You have to add the watering time in the command phrase, otherwise Google Assistant will not know for how long to water the zone.
Water for <duration> zone <ZoneName>
Start zone <ZoneName> for <3 minutes>
Turn on watering on zone <zone1> for <2 minutes>
2) start/water program followed by the program custom name.
start program <program name>
turn on program <program1>
water program <program1>
Optionally you can add "on <rainmachine name>" at the end of the above phrases to start a program on a certain RainMachine device.
3) stop watering.
Voice command example:
You: Ask RainMachine to stop watering
Assistant: Ok
4) list zones (list programs).
- What are my programs?
- List my programs
- List my zones
- What zones do I have?
- Can you tell me my zone names?
- Tell me my zone names
- What are my zone names?
- Enumerate my zones
Using these commands the RainMachine Google Assistant will reply with the list of all zones or programs, including the inactive ones.
5) status (what is watering and for how long).
- Status
- List zones on "RainMachineName"
- What zones are running on "RainMachineName"
- Status on "RainMachineName"
- Watering status on "RainMachineName"
- List running zones
- What zones are running?
- What's my "RainMachineName" status?
Note: Please use human-readable zone and programs custom names, short ones are highly recommended for a better and faster understanding by the Google Assistant.
- On your Android/Apple phone open this link:
The Google Assistant app should open.
- Make sure that you are connected to your preferred google account.
- Scroll down until you see the button UNLINK
- Tap on it and agree to UNLINK your RainMachine (meaning you are disconnecting Google Assistant integration from your RainMachine remote access account)
- Now the button show change into LINK. Tap on it and the RainMachine Remote Access Grant Access page should open up.
- If you are not connected to the https://my.rainmachine.com it should ask you to enter your RainMachine Remote Access credentials (email and RainMachine password - Remote Access Account validation).
- Once you are logged in you should see the Grant Access page.
- Tap on Accept button
- Now the RainMachine Google Assistant integration should be linked to your RainMachine Remote Access account and your RainMachine device Zones and Programs should be accessible through Google Home Assistant mobile app or Google Home standalone devices that are linked to your google account used to link the RainMachine integration.
So, make sure you are using the same Google Account anywhere you might want to use voice to control your RainMachine device.
- Open Google Assistant mobile app and tap on the microphone and engage the RainMachine integration by saying/typing:
Open RainMachine or Talk to RainMachine
- After the "welcome" message you can try the command: List zones or List programs
Note: Make sure that your zones and programs are named using human-readable short names, like Flowers, Lawn, Veggies, Back, Front and so on. Do not use numbers or long names, the assistant has few seconds to understand what you are saying and it would miss your command if it is too long or if it doesn't understand correctly. Also the numbers used in naming are very tricky to the assistant, it doesn't get them right as "One" or "1". So, using short naming would help a lot.
- Once the zones or program are listed you should hear them and read them on the screen
- Now use the command: Water zone Flowers (instead of Flowers use one of your zone name)
- It should reply: For how long
- Say: 5 minutes and 30 seconds
- It should say back: OK. Starting zone Flowers for 5 minutes and 30 seconds
- Check your RainMachine zone if it started
- After 3 minutes or close to 5 minutes and 30 seconds, you can ask: What's my sprinkler status
- It should reply back that a zone is running
In other words, the RainMachine Google Assistant integration should work as intended, but it needs some help and assurance:
- very important - your RainMachine device should be connected to the internet and the Remote Access account should be validated.
- use the same Google Account linked with Assistant and RainMachine Remote Access account anywhere you want to control your RainMachine using voice
- unlink and link back the RainMachine Google Assistant integration with your RainMachine Remote Access account
- make sure your zones and programs are named using human-readable short names
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