"Alexa. Open RainMachine. Start zone Front Lawn for five minutes and thirty seconds"
Control RainMachine with your voice using RainMachine Amazon Alexa Skill.
- A valid RainMachine remote access account
Note: Amazon Alexa RainMachine smart home integration requires RainMachine Premium Services subscription since it doesn't work without a valid RainMachine Remote Access email account- Download and install Amazon Alexa mobile app (iOS or Android) and Amazon Music (iOS or Android) app and log in with the same Amazon account.
- An Amazon Alexa device.
Connect Amazon Alexa with RainMachine
1) Using your phone open Amazon Alexa app (if you use the desktop browser click this link)
2) Log in to Amazon (if you're not already logged in).
3) Search for the "RainMachine" Alexa skill.
4) Tap on the "Enable skill" button and then log in with the RainMachine remote access account credentials (email address and RainMachine password). You'll need to accept RainMachine with Amazon Alexa integration.
Note: If there are more RainMachine devices associated with the same remote access account you will be able to control them all. Please make sure you will not have the same zone and program names on different RainMachine devices.
5) To grant Amazon Alexa access to RainMachine tap on "Agree" button.
6) Done! Your RainMachine Amazon Alexa skill is enabled.
Operating RainMachine via Amazon Alexa
The first and required step to control RainMachine with voice using Amazon Alexa enabled device or Amazon Alexa service from Amazon Music, is to say: Alexa, open RainMachine
Alexa will open RainMachine Skill replying with a greeting message.
After that use one of the voice commands:
1) start/water zone followed by the zone custom name. You'll be asked for how long. Answer back with the desired amount of time in minutes and seconds.
Voice command example:
You: Ask RainMachine to start zone Front Lawn
Alexa: For how long?
You: Five minutes and thirty seconds
Alexa: Ok, zone Front Lawn started.
Simplified command:
You: Alexa, open RainMachine. Start zone Front Lawn for five minutes and thirty seconds
Alexa: Ok, zone Lawn Front Yard started.
2) start/water program followed by the program custom name.
Voice command example:
You: Alexa, open RainMachine. Start program Daily Flowers
Alexa: Ok, program Daily Flowers started.
3) start/water zone/program lawn.
Where "lawn" is a word used for naming the RainMachine zones or programs. Amazon Alexa will search for all zones and programs containing this word in their names and will answer asking you which one you prefer. Reply by saying their name.
Voice command example when you want to start a zone with containing the word "lawn":
You: Alexa, open RainMachine. Start zone lawn.
Alexa: You have more than one zone containing word "lawn": zone "Front Lawn", zone "Lawn Back Yard", zone "Lawn". Which one did you intend?
You: Front Lawn
You: One (this would be the 1st zone Alexa discovered to contain the word "lawn")
Alexa: For how long?
You: Five minute and thirty seconds
Alexa: Ok, zone Front Lawn started.
4) stop watering.
Voice command example:
You: Alexa, open RainMachine. Stop watering
Alexa: Ok
5) help
Using this command the Amazon Alexa will reply with all the commands you can use with RainMachine Amazon Alexa skill.
Note: Please use human-readable zone and programs custom names, short ones recommend.
Note: If you do not have any physical Amazon Alexa enabled device you can use integrated Alexa service inside Amazon Music mobile app directly on your mobile phone/tablet. Open Amazon Music app, log in with your Amazon account linked to RainMachine service, tap on Alexa icon and ask her to "open RainMachine". After the greetings message, start by saying what do you want to do next: start/water a zone or a program followed by the zone or program name, or stop watering or just say "help" and Alexa will reply with all the commands you can use with RainMachine Amazon Alexa skill.
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