Community Weather Services improvements
Pinned Under DevelopmentHi,
I would like first to thank all the developers that created great weather service plugins for RainMachine. Since we have a lot of quality plugins we are looking into an easier integration for the end users and provide better visibility.
To achieve this we will design a new UI to browse and install these plugins from the Web Interface and mobile apps.
The weather services repository will still be maintained at:
Make sure your code has the author, name, description filled in and optionally a guide for installation of your weather service. Please send pull request with your changes if needed.
Thank you
Yes, this is beta for RainMachine Pro. The notes should also be up just refresh the Beta changelog page:
Just read it. Anyway, I noticed it's a great improvement: the web UI is really reactive now, and the weather drivers installations are much much easier now. It's a little bit confusing having two separate lists of drivers (RM and Community) then seeing the community installed ones in both lists. Maybe it would be better to have Installed and Available tabs, and maybe an icon to distinguish RM drivers and Community drivers.
Also, do you know if this has been solved in the latest version? DNS resolution issues - bad default network config – RainMachine
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