Parser for german DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst)
Pinned FeaturedHello everybody,
as discussed - among others - here, WeatherUnderground is not giving out any more free API keys. The future of already existing API keys and the associated services is unknown.
Therefore I'm looking for alternatives that do not have parsers yet. Since I'm from germany, I had a look at the OpenData services from the German Meteorological Office ("Deutscher Wetterdienst")/DWD.
I forked the developer ressources repository on GitHub and added the parser to my fork. A pull request is already raised.
If you want to try it, you can just grab the file here. An then upload it to your rainmachine.
You have to enter a stationID. The list of available stations can be found in the DWDs opendata station catalogue:
It's my first python project. So maybe someone more experienced can review the code and add some improvements.
Hi Sebastian,
please check my post regarding a bus with the DWD parser
after adding the DWD parser my RM calculates a very high EvapoTranspiration and wants to extend the watering massively
And fix is here:
Solar radiation was not converted from MJ/m² to kJ/m². My bad ...
With this, it looks a lot better now.
No. I looked at the source and I have 2 comments:
1. I would disable SOLAR RADIATION as it might come wrongly from the station/service. We had a similar issue with SOLAR RADIATION from Weather Underground, coming with either wrong values or different unit of measurement than the one documented.
2. The min/max temperatures seems to be for yesterday (in CSV) but the parser inserts them for today. This has a small impact (but nothing of that 25 ET0 magnitude). I would add them with something like:
yesterdayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(timestamp - 12 * 60 * 60)
I updated the parser again on git. I missed a second Solar Radiation being fetched. Running on my machine seems fine.
To update parser do (in Web UI):
1. DELETE parser from User Uploaded tab
3. Upload the parser again, configure it and SAVE
I have copied the code from here:
and put it into my file.
but I still have 160-300 evapotrans
did I take the wrong file?
could you show me the link of the latest file?
hey all,
After my last dwd test I cant bring the RM-Mixer to recalculate the values.
The ET ist still 160-300 and RM wants to extend the watering time up to 200%.
Can I reset the RM-Mixer?I turned off my 3 weather services or used only the dwd. nothing made the mixer recalculate ET
We should move the discussion outside this thread but it's pretty strange why zone 1 didn't register that large amount of rain. Guess the program wasn't created after the rain event ? Maybe some zone soil setting won't let the water accumulate that much (I see much lower field capacity on Zone 1). Let me know if it doesn't auto-correct itself at next run.
Hello together,
the changes discussed above, double entry of solar radiation, wrong conversion of some units, are included in the current commit on my git.
If I just checked again. Without the DWD parser the ET from the mixer is 6.60mm for June 31st.
Thats the same value that I get with the parser?
I cant check the dwd parser. Made a factory rest becaue of the strange zone2 calculation. now my field capacity ist still 21 and 91 but the watering time is correct. zone 2 is beeing watered again every day. I will try the dwd parser when its running without any errors. otherwise I risk again to reset everything
So, after a while I finally had the time to move the DWD parser to the new XML interface from the DWD.
I can already run it locally on my PC, but I have a problem uploading it to my RM.
I have to use the lxml package since the data is provided as an (zipped) XML. However, RM does not seem to know it.
Is there a way to install lxml automatically?
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